martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

Alicias Toilet

This Alicias toilet. In fact this is also my toilet when im in Spain and one day it will be my Madrids holiday toilet. What can i say about it? I miss it so much...It is always so so so clean. Haha i just forget about all the creams that there are in it.To be honest we just use one or two. Most of them were bought from my mother one day because the shop assistant made her feel that she really needs them. My mother, she trust everybody. But lets speak about Alicia...i know for sure what she loves doing in the bathroom. She loves singing in the shower. She can stay hours in the shower singing Los Cuarenta Principales songs(Examples; "hit me baby one more time", "A Dios le pido que si me muero sea de amor.", "En tu ventana tan prisonera de tu casa en la cocina")...sometimes too loud that i prefer to think that she is not my sister (es broma travi).Not sure if u can see it but under the sink there is a cd player that she actually got for her Comunion haha.
Pero lo mejor sin duda es como cada noche mi madre pone la ropa interior limpia a mi padre en el pomo de la puerta para no tener que levantarse cada mañana a darsela a mi padre. Y como todos los amigos de mi hermana cuando estan en casa se preguntan porque la ropa interior de mi padre esta ahi...jajaja...Gracias por la foto

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

Jamies french holiday toilet

This is Jamies french holiday toilet. Everybody loves holidays and some people as Jamie(Oliver) are so lucky that they even have a holiday house in a nice warm (well i think France it is, Charlotte doesn't)country. But how annoying is to arrive to that house after so many hours of travelling just looking forward to taking a shower and you find out that you don't have soap and shampoo in the toilet? As u see in the picture this is what happened to Jamie. He couldn't take a shower that day he had to go to Carrefour to get it. Now french girls of the world now you know where Jamie gets ready before going out. Watch out for him he will be back there soon.
JAIME cuando podemos ir a hacerte una visita a tu baNo en francia? Necesito verlo en directo con una foto no me vale.
xoxo Toilet Girl

martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

Jafars toilet

This is Jafars toilets. As you can see he loved the idea of showing his toilet cause he sent me three different pictures. He wanted to show me every single corner of his bathroom. Thanks Jafi.

Well there are some things of this toilet that fascinate me. One of them is the curtains. You might not know him but they look as one of his shirts...or maybe two. Another thing is the number of towels. I asked him about it and he says that they look nice and yes its true, but i guess it is also because he loves being dry. Well i know you might have been looking at the pictures and ask yourself where is the toilet paper? My dear friend this is a posh toilet...he uses wet wipes.

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

Carlos toilet....El baño de Carlos...

This is a Spanish toilet...i have just to thanks Carlos because he has been the quickest sending me the just took him like a couple of hours..thanks Carlos for supporting my ideas.
I have to say that is really cute. I love the curtains.
La verdad me ha sorprendido tu baño es totalmente diferente al de tu casa en el pueblo. Tio las cortinas monisimas. Se nota que vives con tu madre.
I know his toilet is really cute but i just hope he will be able to be away from it for a few days this July...u might find a similar toilet in BENICASIM...well maybe not but it is going to be fun i promise.
He might me think about something...why in most of the tv soap operas we cant see the toilets of the houses?
Bueno en Los Serrano se veia demasiado
Te quiero un monton Carlos

Charlottes Toilet

My Swedish half toilet. She was my inspiration. I think she is one of the reason I'm starting this because she is always checking blogs.Apparently in Sweden if u have a blog and people read it u can be millionaire and famous with 18 years old ...I'm not joking...i don't think that will happen with me but you never know...
And this is her toilet.You probably can find thing from Ikea in it... You need to know that this picture might be the first ever toilet picture taken with a mac computer....I love the pink toilet paper Charlotte

The Idea

Well I decided a week ago that i wanted to open a blog but the true is that my life is not that interesting. I think if i write about me neither my mother will read it...and she kinds of care about me or at least she pretends really well. Because of this i came out with an amazing idea...bathrooms, toilets. Why everybody forget about them? Is not true that u spend time there everyday? Havent you had bad and good moments in them?Those nights when you come back home and u have drunk more than you thought, those longs baths when its so cold outside, when you pass to the next level in your video game, when you sing in the shower and you really think you can sing...

Because i want people to stop forgetting about them i am going to start this.Please feel free to send the picture of your toilet.