This Alicias toilet. In fact this is also my toilet when im in Spain and one day it will be my Madrids holiday toilet. What can i say about it? I miss it so much...It is always so so so clean. Haha i just forget about all the creams that there are in it.To be honest we just use one or two. Most of them were bought from my mother one day because the shop assistant made her feel that she really needs them. My mother, she trust everybody. But lets speak about Alicia...i know for sure what she loves doing in the bathroom. She loves singing in the shower. She can stay hours in the shower singing Los Cuarenta Principales songs(Examples; "hit me baby one more time", "A Dios le pido que si me muero sea de amor.", "En tu ventana tan prisonera de tu casa en la cocina")...sometimes too loud that i prefer to think that she is not my sister (es broma travi).Not sure if u can see it but under the sink there is a cd player that she actually got for her Comunion haha.
Pero lo mejor sin duda es como cada noche mi madre pone la ropa interior limpia a mi padre en el pomo de la puerta para no tener que levantarse cada mañana a darsela a mi padre. Y como todos los amigos de mi hermana cuando estan en casa se preguntan porque la ropa interior de mi padre esta ahi...jajaja...Gracias por la foto