After a long break I finally back. I’m sorry but toilet minds need breaks sometimes. But don’t worry; the Carry Bradshaw of the toilets is back.
Today we have Simrit toilet. For those of you who don’t know her, her toilet looks as organized as she is. If you look at it you can see that they stored rolls of toilet paper around to never run out of it. That’s what I call planning in advance. They also have a finished one just to remind their toilet users how a finished one looks. I have to say that I have heard some stories about how people has used the brown final bit of the roll as normal paper but I will tell you another time because it is not the case of Simrit (I hope).
For those who don’t appreciate details as I do, I’ll let u know that she also shares with us a new idea not to feel lonely when you are inside. Most of the people like to use magazines, books…but Simrit prefers to use the company of a ceramic cat. As someone says cats are mans best friends (I know it is dogs but it’s a cat so I changed it).
Well Simrit thanks a lot for sharing with me your toilet, it’s a shame we can’t see your bath. I just went into your facebook and I just realized it was your bday last week so from here I would like to wish you a happy week after birthday!!I’m really sorry. I’ll get you a flower print toiler paper roll.
Xoxo Toilet Girl